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To view a COOL video on Grand Tetons and Yellowstone go to older posts, July 17th!!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tool #3 blog Generators and Mash ups

Finally I get to blog. It seems like I spent a lot of time playing around with photos and generators. Adding my photos was fun. Trying to figure out the web sites with photos and generators was not so fun. Thanks to Karen Justl for all the help through email and some in-person training!!! Once I figure out how to do something it seems easier and I want to do it over and over, like create those crazy word collages at http://www.wordle.net/or add my own personal photos from my vacation. In the classroom......I can see doing some things with words and photos.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I like all your pics. I see how we can use Wordle for different word searches.
