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To view a COOL video on Grand Tetons and Yellowstone go to older posts, July 17th!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reflections.......at last....:> :>

You might say that things are starting to "click" for me. (Just a little computer humor.)

This training has been great for me. I have really enjoyed it and I have learned a lot. It was kind of like a break through for me. If this had not been a required course I would never have spent this much time playing around on the computer, but I would also never have learned so much. Thanks to someone for creating this great training. I feel more empowered to use technology in the classroom. I now have more resources, ideas, and several forms of help for when I get stuck and don't know what to click next.

My favorite tools are Wordle, PhotoShop3, and i Pod Touch. I plan to use PhotoShop3 to create a video using pictues of students working in the classroom or pictures from a field trip. Students can describe the photos and select music for the video.

The very first 2 videos in Tool #1 kind of wowed me. We have already moved away from traditional forms of communication like newspapers and magazines to computers and technological devices. To me it's a little scary to rely so much on the internet but I have learned that there is so much you can do and learn from computers and the web.

It is clear to me that we all have to learn this technology stuff to keep up and to function in the future. There really will not be much of a choice.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Peggy,
    I enjoyed reading your "reflection" very heart-felt. Technology is HERE and we must jump on the train. I also enjoyed viewing the Parks you listed.
